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Giovani Donne - 22 anni
Età22 anni
Altezza119 cm - 47 in
Peso53 kg - 117 lbs
Colore dei capelliCastana
Lunghezza dei capelliCorti
Colore degli occhiMarroni
Misure81-60-58 cm - 32-24-23 in
SenoTette Grandi
Orientamento sessualeI am a bisexual woman, willing to continue experimenting and enjoying the pleasures that each body gives me. I think I am very liberal and I love to continue learning about each person's anatomy. That is exciting. They can gently seduce me until they
Aspetto del sessoEpilazione brasiliana
Mi eccitaLet them gently seduce me until they are as excited as I am, I love to see how they turn on while they see my body shake with pleasure, while we moisten together so we can explode with emotions on my face, that is really exciting..
Non mi eccitaFor people who do not dare to experiment, I believe that the diversity of new experiences is the key to pleasure...
Posizione preferitaReverse cowgirl position is the most exciting for me, and it is the one that makes me cum with pleasure.
Lingua(e) parlata(e)FranceseIngleseTedesco
FantasieI like that they grab my tits hard, that they choke me... I love it, I love moaning and more

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Hello, I am an adventurous and fun person, always looking for new experiences. I am a great listener and I love connecting with new people from all over the world. I am confident, playful and always ready to have a good time. I have a wild imagination and I love making my fantasies come true. I am open-minded and enjoy exploring new things, especially in the realm of intimacy and sexuality.

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20 voti
12/12/23 21:51
Sì, baby.
10/12/23 20:47
Uno spettacolo sensuale e un corpo magnifico
09/12/23 02:09
Peccato che non avessi il tuo lusso
03/12/23 18:18
tre tre buoni
26/10/23 01:17
Una donna molto bella e molto simpatica.
SexyStaros15/11/23 18:53
Grazie, amore mio.😍
23/10/23 23:36
Fantastico. 😍
13/10/23 04:34
28/09/23 19:53

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