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Giovani Donne - 23 anni
Età23 anni
Altezza165 cm - 65 in
Peso50 kg - 110 lbs
Colore dei capelliNeri
Lunghezza dei capelliCorti
Colore degli occhiNeri
Misure80-62-68 cm - 31-24-27 in
Orientamento sessualeThe girls are beautiful and have fabulous things, they are very attractive and generate me extremely morbid, but the boys are my weak point, the imagination with them takes me to other extremes of excitement and perberation?
Aspetto del sessoFiga Rasata
Mi eccitaI am sure that being a submissive, it gives me a lot of excitement, the fact that you detail my body and observe and talk about it with a lot of perversion makes it very exciting.
Non mi eccitaThere are unpleasant things that are exciting but others that are not, something that makes you lose all types of excitement is impatience, wanting everything very quickly, I don't like it.
Posizione preferitastanding in doggy style and looking up is one of my favorites
Lingua(e) parlata(e)IngleseSpagnolo
FantasieOne of Mariana's crazy fantasies is that a master takes control of her in the gym ?

Live chat e sexy webcam di MarianaThomson

I am Mariana, I am 23 years old and I am from Colombia, to be more exact from Medellin, I am characterized by being a very responsible and attractive girl, very flirtatious and experimenting, I hope to have very good friends here, WELCOME EVERYONE ❤️

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