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Chicas jóvenes - 25 años
Edad25 años
Talla161 cm - 63 in
Peso53 kg - 117 lbs
Color de cabelloMorenas
Largo de cabelloLargo
Color de los ojosVerdes
Medidas61-93-94 cm - 24-37-37 in
BustoTetas Grandes
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoAtléticas
Grupo étnicoEuropea
Idioma(s) hablado(s)Inglés

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de MistressEllie69

You're all alone in your own little world, nobody understands you... I do! I understand that you need to be reminded that you're weak and pathetic! I understand your need to give and give, in order to gain my approval. I understand that you try to resist. Each day you plan to be strong, to avoid Me and try to salvage what's left of your money... I also know that no matter how good your intentions are to yourself, I always win. I know that my brains, my intoxicating beauty and, of course my alluring charm will have quite the effect over your already weakened mind. The sooner you realize this, the better it will be for the both of us. Don't try to fight me. I've already won! you just haven't realized it yet .

Tarifa show privado1,93 US$ / minutoPara estar en show privado con la modelo
Tarifa show privado 100% exclusivo2,35 US$ / minutoShow privado con la modelo, en modo exclusivo (a solas con la modelo)
Tarifa "SneakPeek"0,96 US$Para acceder algunos segundos al show privado (sin poder dialogar)
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