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Chicas jóvenes - 34 años
Edad34 años
Talla170 cm - 67 in
Color de cabelloRubias
Largo de cabelloSemi-largo
Color de los ojosVerdes
Medidas58-80-90 cm - 23-31-35 in
BustoTetas Pequeñas
Preferencia sexualIf you think you can have power even here on ME, I will tell you that I like to talk about sex or love...and what they like to do, what makes them horny, I like to listen to their fantasies.I enjoy when a man is relaxed, especially when he goes to my
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoNormal
Grupo étnicoEuropea
Lo que me excitaWell.. maybe a big Diamond ring ..i will say
No me excitaThere are many things that turn me off. I know many men like to show their power to girls and fuck them in submissive positions like doggy, but that's not for me! And why should I suck your cock and masturbate for you when you could do the same for m
Posición preferidaI don't have one ..yet..Let's try together.. to find out .
Idioma(s) hablado(s)FrancésInglés
FantasíasI won't be able to fit in here if I start writing all of my fantasies. I'll leave it in my room for you to locate.

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I would describe myself as a dominant woman, especially with men who think I know better. I like to spend my time doing things like going on holiday, going shopping, like all girls in Italy. I love Italian fashion. I also like going to art galleries... When I think about what I like in "my partners", the first thought is that they never try to control or dominate me ME!And if you achieve that, it means that YOU is very smart and strong MAN!I like to be traditional sometimes, but I also like to be wild, it's always to the man how I feel with him. I love watching movies... The movie Eyes Wide Shut might give you an idea. In my free time, I like to do useful things and learn... My philosophy of life: pursue your dreams... Never give on them

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16 votos
30/10/22 18:39
Muy sexy y adorable porque habla francés. Mucha felicidad para ti.
26/10/22 22:14
Pregúntale su gordo clitó
25/06/22 19:17
lindo y caliente

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