
Maduras - 47 años
Edad47 años
Color de cabelloCabello castaños
Largo de cabelloCorto
Color de los ojosMarrones
Medidas108-76-113 cm - 43-30-44 in
BustoTetas Medianas
Preferencia sexualHello Welcome to my room My name is Melek! I think I need to tell you something about myself... I am strong but gentle, a true optimist, cheerful and easy to talk to. Always up for fun and always looking for a good time. The real neighbor you dream
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoNormal
Grupo étnicoEuropea
Lo que me excitaI am a lover of food, nature, music, dancing and good lemonade enjoyed by two. I'm cute, but I can get crazy if you turn me on. Very sociable, honest and above all open. :) There are two sides of me. The gentle and sensual side loves gentlemen! A ma
No me excitaI don't like people who act disrespectfully. I won't allow rude guys into my chat.
Posición preferida69
Idioma(s) hablado(s)FrancésInglésAlemán
FantasíasI am a lover of food, nature, music, dancing and good lemonade enjoyed by two. I'm cute, but I can get crazy if you turn me on. Very sociable, honest and above all open. :) There are two sides of me. The gentle and sensual side loves gentlemen! A man who

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de MelekMi

Hello Welcome to my room My name is Melek! I think I need to tell you something about myself... I am strong but gentle, a true optimist, cheerful and easy to talk to. Always up for fun and always looking for a good time. The real neighbor you dream of. Feel free to contact me, I promise you will receive a warm welcome :)

Tarifa show privado1,59 US$ / minutoPara estar en show privado con la modelo
Tarifa show privado 100% exclusivo2,08 US$ / minutoShow privado con la modelo, en modo exclusivo (a solas con la modelo)
Tarifa "SneakPeek"0,80 US$Para acceder algunos segundos al show privado (sin poder dialogar)
BonusPara dar un bonus si eres fan de MelekMi !

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