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Chicas jóvenes - 35 años
Edad35 años
Talla164 cm - 65 in
Peso62 kg - 137 lbs
Color de cabelloPelirrojas
Largo de cabelloLargo
Color de los ojosMarrones
Medidas80-60-90 cm - 31-24-35 in
BustoTetas Pequeñas
Preferencia sexualSometimes I like to enjoy with older men than me, who can teach me a bit about their experience, but there are other days that I like to try with young inexperienced boys in order to teach them and corrupt their innocence.
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoNormal
Grupo étnicoLatina
Lo que me excitaI love cum from a man to be able to give him oral sex so that he ends up in my mouth or my breasts and feel his taste, I love that
No me excitaI do not like the smell of cigarettes, I hate a man who kicks, who does not know how to treat a woman well
Posición preferidaI like you to penetrate me from behind while you squeeze my breasts tightly
Idioma(s) hablado(s)FrancésInglésItaliano
FantasíasMy wish is to do it on a balcony in front of a public square full of people and to be able to moan loudly while watching me

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de AriadnaLondra

I am a curious girl who likes to break the schemes and limits of everyday life, in me you will find everything you are looking for, I am an exotic girl with a great personality, who is willing to explore every part of your desires, I like to meet people new and with them enjoy what pleasure truly is.

Tarifa show privado1,27 US$ / minutoPara estar en show privado con la modelo
Tarifa show privado 100% exclusivo1,41 US$ / minutoShow privado con la modelo, en modo exclusivo (a solas con la modelo)
Tarifa "SneakPeek"0,98 US$Para acceder algunos segundos al show privado (sin poder dialogar)
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