
Mujeres - 18 años
Edad18 años
Peso45 kg - 99 lbs
Color de cabelloCabello castaños
Largo de cabelloCorto
Color de los ojosMarrones
BustoTetas Medianas
Preferencia sexualI'm sorry I'm hungry I don't have time to think about sex
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoDelgadas
Grupo étnicoAsiática
No me excitaa person who wants to be too dominant and wants from the beginning to speed everything up without giving space to mystery and body art like dancing or seduction just someone who wants to go straight always naked that's not my type
Posición preferidaI am a yoga practitioner and I have read about tantra, it is difficult to decide I prefer to change and not be in a routine of a position for hours
Idioma(s) hablado(s)FrancésInglésItaliano

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de AkaShi

I am from China, I grew up in Latin America and Spain, my mother was Latin, my father Chinese, I love spaghetti, I have been a vegetarian for 6 years, I love animals, I have 2 dogs, one of my dreams is to have a farm and be able to adopt many animals. I want to have 3 cats and decorate the room for my pets with a pokemon theme, I like philosophy, reading about the occult, I do not belong to any religion, I am a yoga practitioner, this 2022 I wanted to study English and pastry but it has been a very difficult year, I can only manage pay rent and eat sometimes so I had to postpone my studies. now I study English online a free course by levels and I have learned a little I love dance and I dance a little of everything one day i will be a businesswoman i will have my coffee shop with anime theme and where i will sell delicious low sugar desserts and different types of coffee and milkshakes. I also want to open a healthy and cheap food business that serves 24 hours MY RULES ⛔my name is jin use no baby no love ⛔no bank transfers ⛔not to mention other models ⛔no dirty shows ⛔no use sexual emoticons in public chat ⛔no fisting ⛔no real encounters ⛔do not ask for show without tips ⛔the video call option is exclusive for birthday or romantic menu ⚠️MADE SURE TO FOLLOW THE RULES AND AVOID BEING EXPELLED OR SILENCED ⚠️ ⛔ 我的名字是 jin 使用禁止的寶貝沒有愛 ⛔沒有銀行轉賬 ⛔其他型號不說了 ⛔沒有骯髒的節目 ⛔不要在公共聊天中使用性表情 ⛔無袖口 ⛔沒有真正的相遇 ⛔沒有提示不要要求表演 ⛔視頻通話選項僅適用於生日或浪漫菜單 ⚠️確保您遵守規則並避免被禁止或靜音⚠️ ⛔mi nombre es jin use no baby no love ⛔sin transferencias bancarias ⛔sin mencionar otros modelos ⛔no espectáculos sucios ⛔no usar emoticones sexuales en el chat público ⛔sin puños ⛔sin encuentros reales ⛔no pidas show sin propinas ⛔la opción de videollamada es exclusiva para cumpleaños o menú romántico ⚠️ASEGÚRESE DE SEGUIR LAS REGLAS Y EVITAR SER EXPULSADO O SILENCIADO ⚠️

Tarifa show privado1,71 US$ / minutoPara estar en show privado con la modelo
Tarifa show privado 100% exclusivo2,14 US$ / minutoShow privado con la modelo, en modo exclusivo (a solas con la modelo)
Tarifa "SneakPeek"0,86 US$Para acceder algunos segundos al show privado (sin poder dialogar)
BonusPara dar un bonus si eres fan de AkaShi !

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