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Chicas jóvenes - 30 años
Edad30 años
Talla164 cm - 65 in
Peso45 kg - 99 lbs
Color de cabelloRubias
Largo de cabelloSemi-largo
Color de los ojosVerdes
Medidas60-84-90 cm - 24-33-35 in
BustoTetas Pequeñas
Preferencia sexualone of my fantasies for me is that one day in a nightclub to make a casual acquaintance without names without recognizing each other, just you and me and have hot sex in a toilet stall. I want to be at a business meeting at the table with you and whe
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoDelgadas
Grupo étnicoEuropea
Lo que me excitaa lot of things excite me, it's the voice, it's the hands, it's the smells I love foreplay and conversations about sex, role-playing games where there is no limit to your imagination and you imagine how it will all be it turns me on so much that I ge
No me excitait repels me when they ask me to do it for free because I value my time and my work, empty conversations repel me, the boorish behavior of people repels me, I add such people to the ban and it doesn't matter what kind of person it is. I treat with re
Posición preferidatwo positions excite me, these are great dogs when they take you from behind, it excites me so much and makes me so depraved and the pose of a rider this pose looks beautiful and exciting when I can ride a dick?
Idioma(s) hablado(s)Inglés
FantasíasI really love role-playing games where you can indulge your fantasies, for example, how I will masturbate you or choke on your penis as your personal nurse taking care of the patient, how you want me to sit on your face and lick my juices until I cry from

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de AgentWoman

when you first meet me, you might think that I'm shy, although this is true, but when I get to know you better, I change, I become more open and lively, I like to experiment, I like the unknown, even though it scares. I like to read yaoi manga, watch anime, eat delicious food, try to study languages, but still most of the time I prefer to be lazy, but I'm not lazy, but energos hehe in general, I like people with a good sense of humor, as I myself like to joke

Tarifa show privado2,57 US$ / minutoPara estar en show privado con la modelo
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Tarifa "SneakPeek"1,28 US$Para acceder algunos segundos al show privado (sin poder dialogar)
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