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Maduras - 51 años
Edad51 años
Talla170 cm - 67 in
Peso90 kg - 198 lbs
Color de cabelloRubias
Largo de cabelloLargo
Color de los ojosNegros
Medidas110-92-116 cm - 43-36-46 in
BustoTetas Grandes
Preferencia sexualbi
Apariencia del sexoAfeitadas
Tipo de cuerpoVoluptuosas
Grupo étnicoEuropea
Lo que me excitacam2cam
No me excitarudness
Posición preferidaall
Idioma(s) hablado(s)FrancésInglésEspañol
FantasíasI love it when a man/woman starts to touch and grab my tits and sliding finger in my wet pussy (Dominant people I don't consider myself extremely kinky If I had to pick a favorite toy, it's got to be the vibrator One thing I've never tried, but I've a

Chat en vivo y webcam sexy de AdelaineJo

Hello guys. I am glad to see you in my room. And thanks all who read my biopage. Thanks all who say "Hello", when come to my room and all who say "Good Bye" when leave. So if you want to know a little about me I am Anna, nice woman, I guess so lol. If I am wrong you can tell me your point about me. I like to chat with good people. It is rarely to meet really good persons in life. But here I alredy find real friands and I hope they will stay with me for whole my life. Like guys who can make me smile and laugh. I like polite man who know how care about woman right. Who make me happy. I like men who can really turn me on and make me cum. Like to play with myself for you. If you really turn me on I will honestly cum for you and will thankful you for getting plasuare from each other. I like c2c. It is always good to see people with whom you chat. You see me right? Would be great for me to see you too. Give me your smile it is so easy to give someone smile. Maybe right your smile can make my mood for all day long. Let me see your eyes, they reflect your soul. And c2c ofcourse turn me on more... If you are alredy turned on let me see how you want me, how hard you are for me. I like guys who can give me gifts. It is plasure for woman to get them, gifts and flowers make us, woman, happy. Even women who tell you they do not like flowers, it is lie. They like, maybe just noone not give them this plasure. Do not be shy and show me your love, make me a bit happier with some attention. Angry woman not like to fuck.... And I will show you my love too if I will see how you care about me. So. Like you or no... It is just me and I not going to change if you do not like something in me. And you have chance to know me better, learn more about me, maybe become truly friend. And if you think for some reason about me I am weird and do not know to take time and to know me better then good luck to you, you can find someone more appropriate for you. I do not want to hold such people close to me. Kisses and hugs Do not forget to vote for me and left review after each our private, party or nude chat. Thank u for t

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