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- years old
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Young women - 18 years old

The latest comments about FrancaiseElektrik ‘s private shows

06/07/2022 23:12
It's incredible.
22/04/2022 14:50
dommage ca a bug bb
04/11/2021 23:25
She's super nice, very beautiful, very nice, you're perfect, thank you for those moments that were so wonderful for me. Thank you for listening and it's really cool. I would be back without hesitation.
FrancaiseElektrik20/11/2021 16:06
Thank you. I had a really good time with you. <3
31/10/2021 22:54
Top of the line.! 🙂
31/10/2021 14:21
Even several times a day is still not enough! 😋 I wish I could stay with you all the time. 🙂
31/10/2021 13:59
Always on top! Always the best! 😍💯
28/10/2021 12:17
Trop forte ! Pv magique !
19/10/2021 00:36
What an incredible time we had alone with you. You're so sensual, sublime, you have everything to please. ❤️
17/10/2021 22:06
It's wonderful.. 😍
17/10/2021 19:36
I can't believe this. - That's great.! 😍😍😍
12/10/2021 15:43
Just as perfect, day after day. The best camgirl here! 😍😍😍
11/10/2021 12:03
Amazing, perfect, kind, delicious, gorgeous body, charming, smart, full of life, great conversation. I recommend it. 🙂 Thank you for this moment, little Elektrik.! 💖
15/05/2021 07:43
Be nice to her. She needs our love.
11/05/2021 14:38
Blurry but beautiful
01/05/2021 00:48
Wonderful goddess for a divine show shower
14/04/2021 14:20
Great blowjob, great social time! Amazing experience!
11/04/2021 01:31
- That's it! Good spirit! Perfect body! 😍 Great social time! 💗
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