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Mature - 45 anni
Età45 anni
Altezza154 cm - 61 in
Peso70 kg - 154 lbs
Colore dei capelliBionda
Lunghezza dei capelliMedi
Colore degli occhiMarroni
Misure75-102-90 cm - 30-40-35 in
Orientamento sessualeBisexual
Aspetto del sessoFiga Rasata
Mi eccitaThe strong and soft desire for sex, lust and passion
Non mi eccitaI don't like people who try to trick me
Posizione preferitaDoggy Style
Lingua(e) parlata(e)IngleseSpagnolo
FantasieMy fantasies rest on the pleasure of BDSM and the principles of sadomasochism.

Live chat e sexy webcam di CarolinaCrus

I am a 45 -year -old mature woman, with a white complexion skin that contrasts with my honey eyes, which reflects the depth of my passions. My blond hair falls gently to my shoulders, framing a face that has accumulated experiences and wisdom over the years. My curves are prominent, with large breasts that attract attention and a big and firm butt that denotes strength and safety in myself. I am a passionate lover, delivered to the sensations and pleasures of the BDSM. I enjoy exploring the limits of pleasure and pain, finding in submission and domination a path to the deepest connection with my partner. In intimacy, I am bold and determined, but also tender and comprehensive. I believe in the power of communication and consent, building relationships based on mutual respect and trust. My energy and enthusiasm for life are reflected in my total delivery when I am with someone who shares my same desires and passions.

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Palline Ghesha, Tatuaggi

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