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Signore - 39 anni
Età39 anni
Altezza111 cm - 44 in
Peso53 kg - 117 lbs
Colore dei capelliCastana
Lunghezza dei capelliLunghi
Colore degli occhiNeri
Misure56-59-68 cm - 22-23-27 in
SenoTette Medie
Orientamento sessualeI want you to bite between my legs at this precise moment to beg you to pass your tongue through my favorite parts, I want a man who supports me, supports me in the kitchen, in the room, in bed, everywhere.
Aspetto del sessoFiga Rasata
Mi eccitaI like men without fears, my mind is ready for everything, do you have it little? I will grow it as much as you never imagined, you have it soft I will wear it hard, do you stop it? Let me sit in you.
Non mi eccitaDon't excite me that I stay still, do not excite my hands quiet, play with me, do me yours, do not excite me that you do not take advantage of this delicious dessert.
Posizione preferitaI want to be on you, I want you to feel the sweat of my skin on your body, I want my legs open on you, I want you to touch my tits while you see how I ride on and gimo like a mare in heat.
Lingua(e) parlata(e)FranceseIngleseSpagnolo
FantasieThey see that my four lips call you to unleash my desire to take and master you, today I am easy prey today I feel fragile today I am as yours as always, my body strange all my absences

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I am a black woman you must play with fire you will die of cold, I like a man with a strong character and bad thoughts, I want a man who makes love to me like a beast but who loves me like a poet

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