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- years old
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Young women - 25 years old

The latest comments about SwissMiss ‘s private shows

09/01/2024 10:59
17/01/2023 01:34
You are very ugly! !!! 🤢🙈
SwissMiss17/02/2023 01:06
Okay, sweetie. 😅
14/05/2021 01:18
SwissMiss17/02/2023 01:06
you are my hero bb
30/11/2020 07:47
Oh, this is delicious! I'm not going to!
SwissMiss17/02/2023 01:05
Thank you baby😘
01/08/2020 00:40
SwissMiss08/08/2020 00:04
merci bb.... in love with you
13/05/2020 19:29
Very loving and horny
SwissMiss24/05/2020 00:25
How sweet 💋❣️ Thank you 😘
19/04/2020 01:08
Fantastic show.
SwissMiss24/05/2020 00:24
For a fantastic man.
16/04/2020 01:34
Mystic, I like it. The most beautiful pussy here she makes my dick so hard every time
SwissMiss19/04/2020 00:31
So nice to hear bb. I Like You Darling
09/02/2020 23:39
The most beautiful girl in the world.
SwissMiss15/02/2020 00:18
and the most polite and gentlemanly fan! You are my number one baby🤘🖖
22/01/2020 00:48
Nice so geil and kum etz scho fascht freu mi i will a richtig nasse show kuss bis morga 😘😘😘✊💦💦
SwissMiss15/02/2020 00:18
24/03/2019 00:09
Than you are pretty, thousand millions thx en kisses !
SwissMiss16/10/2019 01:06
thx for 4 stars bb kizz
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