hi. i’m glad u are interested not only in my body, but also in my soul and want to get to know me better. this is a specific platform for dating, of course, but i believe that the soul is more important than everything, and the inner world is more interesting and brighter than the outer. appearances are deceptive, aren't they? i’m a very spiritual person: i like to meditate and do yoga, my heart's work is painting and dancing, which i’ve given all my free time to since my childhood. i won't say i’m too mature now at 18, but i’m often referred to as wise and forward-thinking. i guess that's something, otherwise i wouldn't be writing my book. the feelings that made a child into a completely different person: an adult. the little dreamer died in me. the chariot is unstoppable, and this is only the beginning. if u were able to touch my soul through these lines, let me know about it. i would be glad! best wishes, angel <3
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