What?? I can't hear you,you have clothes on... I am a woman. I don't smoke,drink or party every weekend. I don't sleep around or start drama to get attention.Yes,I do still exist and I'm here! Now you might think I want your car,your money and gifts.But I'm the woman who wants your time,your effort,your honesty,your loyalty,your smile and you putting me as a priority. I believe in love and romance. I have hopes and fears,just like anyone. Sometimes I feel frightend.Sometimes I feel unloved.Sometimes I feel i will never gain approval from those people who are most important to me.But I am brave and goodhearted and face my life head on. You think you've seen me naked because I took my clothes off?? Tell me about my dreams. Tell me what breaks my heart. Tell me about my childhood. Better yet,tell me one story about me that you're not in. You've seen my skin,but you still know as much about me as a book you once found,but you never got around to open. How to win my love?? Talk sweet Don't lie Hold doors Make me laugh Pull my hair and smack my ass Be the man that not any female can't get.It's okay to have a dick with standards :)
Buttplug, Tätowierung
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